bouquet, hand bouquet, flower bouquet, bloom with love, gift with love, flowers for mum, birthday flowers, anniversary flowers, Dark Shocking Pink Roses, Painted Pink Anthuriums, Cream Carnation, Purple Phalaenopsis, Caladiums, Painted Philodendron Leaves and Painted Mini Eucalyptus

Queen of Hearts


Choose From: Hand Bouquet

Hand Bouquet
Jar Arrangement

Accented by gorgeous foliage framing shocking pink roses, light cream carnations and purple phaleonopsis – this bouquet is designed to bring as much awe as your Queen’s awesome-ness. 

Choose to send a gorgeous hand bouquet or add $10 for a glass jar arrangement. 

This product contains: 

  • Dark Shocking Pink Roses, Painted Pink Anthuriums, Cream Carnation, Purple Phalaenopsis, Caladiums, Painted Philodendron Leaves and Painted Mini Eucalyptus
  • Size: Height ~100cm. Width ~120cm.
  • Some flowers are subject to availability and may be replaced with similar blooms of equal or greater value. We will make our best efforts to inform you of any changes as soon as possible.