arktivate organic bio fertiliser

Arktivate (Solid) 8L Organic Bio Fertiliser $22.50



30/7/2024 : Date of expiry


Arktivate Solid reduces weeds, increases water efficiency, rejuvenates soil & encourages healthful microbial activities. They have developed a unique substance unlike any other on the market today, with trillions of beneficial microbes combined with vermicast and biochar.

Arktivate contains a living ecosystem of microorganisms that provides for 100% of plant needs. Through their patent pending “Ark” transport system, Arktivate delivers this diverse ecosystem of microbes into your soil and water for maximum plant growth.


Arktivate utilizes microbiological technology that delivers fully functional and living ecosystems of microbial species to crops in either solid or liquid form.

Arktivate contains a living ecosystem of microorganisms that provides for 100% of plant needs. Through our patent-pending “Ark” transport system, Arktivate delivers this diverse ecosystem of microbes into your soil and water for maximum plant growth.

Arktivate acts as a 100% replacement for synthetic fertilisers and pesticides in crop production and is also safe when applied indoors to homegrown plants and flowers.

We integrate vermicasts and biochar to provide the best-finished product and to ensure increased micro biodiversity. Vermicasts contain beneficial microbes as well as nutrients that are dense and slow releasing. Biochar helps to prevent leaching by holding on to nutrients and moisture.

Arktivate improves any soil structure and growing conditions and delivers a fully functional ecosystem for all plants need.