Tips & Tricks

It's been hot 1 minute and rainy the next. We dropped some #Cooltips for #Hotdays some time back, and now's the perfect time to share what we know to do...
It's been hot 1 minute and rainy the next. We dropped some #Cooltips for #Hotdays some time back, and now's the perfect time to share what we know to do...

Basic Care Tips: Monstera
Native to Central America, the commonly known Monstera belongs to the Family: Araceae. It originates from the tropics where it is relatively warm in the day & cool at night,...
Basic Care Tips: Monstera
Native to Central America, the commonly known Monstera belongs to the Family: Araceae. It originates from the tropics where it is relatively warm in the day & cool at night,...

Desert Plants Care Tips
Check out this week’s plant care tips for some popular desert succulents – Haworthia, Euphorbia & Adeniums take centre stage. Feels like a weird time of year to talk about...
Desert Plants Care Tips
Check out this week’s plant care tips for some popular desert succulents – Haworthia, Euphorbia & Adeniums take centre stage. Feels like a weird time of year to talk about...

Tips For Happy Ferns
DID YOU KNOW? That ferns are one of the oldest houseplants ever? They have been in existence for over 300 million years – this means that if you have any...
Tips For Happy Ferns
DID YOU KNOW? That ferns are one of the oldest houseplants ever? They have been in existence for over 300 million years – this means that if you have any...

Philodendron Care
Climbing, split leaf and heart shaped, are some of the common names we know the Philodendron as. A family of plants containing over 100 genera and over 3,700 known species,...
Philodendron Care
Climbing, split leaf and heart shaped, are some of the common names we know the Philodendron as. A family of plants containing over 100 genera and over 3,700 known species,...